Friday, September 26, 2008

Seymour MO Purpose of this blog

is to comment on activities, events, government and specific and general news around Seymour. This is an attempt to make the town government of Seymour more transparent and responsive to the people who live here. It is also intended to provide information to people researching areas to move into and settle down. Will Seymour be a suitable place for residential living and/or starting a business.?

Well it all depends on you. In the comments section you may want to disagree with me or cheer. Any comments that personally attack me or any other person will be removed. So be polite. Profanity is OK as long as it is not in the heading. Why? Headings crop up in search engines. And that brings me to another point. 

Mine and your posts will be scooped up in search engines. You may aid or hinder this process by tagging your comments with labels of subject matter that are relevant;thus enabling people to find out various things they might be interested in knowing about Seymour. You may criticize any aspect of this blog or any comments, including your own if you have a change of heart or mind. This is to ensure that people who want to know more about this town will get a variety of opinions and differing information. Honesty counts. 

This blog is also a wake up call for any aspect of the town government to put its best foot forward because transparency rules. Perhaps this will lead to some positive changes around here. I want you to see how others may look at you and evaluate the town, its schools, its facilities for young adults, its restaurants, and its general atmosphere. What is here that is exceptional in both positive and negative ways. 

What we say here may very well affect real estate prices, present and future ordinances, elections, education, law enforcement, etc. I am sure you will experience conflicts of interest. A criticism may likely affect the value of your property, enhancing it or devaluing it. It is my intention that you become aware of the sub culture and how it promotes or turns off people who might want to come here.  Well, enough. Let's go.  

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